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Questions tagged [answers]

This tag is for questions about answers: how to answer, whether specific answers are appropriate, and so forth.

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4 votes
2 answers

If this answer is not low quality then what is it?

This answer was a one-line answer when posted, I replied on a comment mentioning how the answer didn't actually solved my problem and I explained why. User proceeded to edit his answer and in reality ...
Just Do It's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Suggestion on how to get illustrative images legally

From time to time when answering I so badly want to link in an image of a product to illustrate what kind of product I'm talking about. However I agree that we should not do product recommendations, ...
holroy's user avatar
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9 votes
2 answers

How to handle multiple solutions in one answer?

Given that one answer should contain one solution (with similar variants)1, how should we handle answers containing multiple solutions? Are we supposed to split them up, and how can we then give ...
holroy's user avatar
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17 votes
2 answers

Some questions tend to turn into polls, is this bad and how can they be answered better?

I see a lot of questions here that essentially turn into polls. Often the nature of the question leads to poll-style answers but to me the "issue" seems to be in the answers themselves. An ...
Captain Obvious's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

How should similar answers be handled?

In Sleeping in a noisy environment, quite a lot of the answers are almost duplicates or very slight variations of the theme of ear plugs. How do we handle such cases? Should we downvote the similar ...
holroy's user avatar
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-4 votes
2 answers

Time to take a step back from multiple answer criticism

I've noticed a few times now that people are enforcing (probably too much) the apparent policy about one answer per post. Here are a couple of examples: How to write in a straight line without lined ...
MrPhooky's user avatar
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-9 votes
1 answer

Would a "validate" button be beneficial for the site?

While I am aware that there is obviously the voting system for questions and answers across all the stack exchange sites, I thought having a sort of "validate" button or feature as a sort of "I've ...
MrPhooky's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Answers which contain standard solutions and hacks

I've read a lot of answers in the last few days that predominantly recommend a non-hack answer to the question, but also save themselves with a paragraph or two containing some kind of hack. Here are ...
Duncan Jones's user avatar
9 votes
3 answers

What is the general premise regarding lots of questions with answers from the same user?

I've been browsing through some of the questions on the Life Hack SE, and noticed that recently one particular user has been posting questions and then answering them themselves. I know self ...
MrPhooky's user avatar
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12 votes
1 answer

Can someone point out why the answers to these questions are lifehacks?

I'm having trouble seeing what people think are lifehacks on many of the questions. To me, a lot of these answers are just the conventional answers, but they're getting upvoted so that must mean they'...
GimmeTehRepz's user avatar
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14 votes
2 answers

What should a good Lifehacks answer look like?

I've been answering questions here on and off since the private beta started. Going by reputation, I think I've done ok - but it doesn't feel that way. Quite frankly, I still have no clear idea of how ...
William the Pleaser's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

Are joke answers very low quality?

As we get into the more public realm, I see the potential for people posting pseudo-answers that are meant to be humorous more than helpful, like this one, becoming more commonplace. As I'd hate for ...
Zach Saucier's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

Generic message for Low Quality Answers

Answers on this site can be a little weak at times, so I have begun to downvote the inappropriate ones for: Lacking Citations. Being to short (1-3 sentences long, I haven't done this yet, but may ...
Pobrecita's user avatar
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11 votes
5 answers

How can we improve answer quality?

I've seen a lot of answers where it's just a random idea, with no way of telling whether this is a good tip, an old wives' tale, or something the answerer just made up on the spot. For example: ...
starsplusplus's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

What isn't a lifehack? [duplicate]

So while we're working out what a lifehack is, it might be worth discussing what a lifehack isn't. For example, buying a cheap pack of mothballs to solve a moth problem doesn't seem to count as a ...
fredley's user avatar
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9 votes
3 answers

Do answers need explanations / does the answerer need to know why it works

Some answers on this site are kinda thin on the "why" it works. Sometimes its obvious and does not need an explanation, sometimes the explanation is there but sometimes its missing. The questions ...
Angelo Fuchs's user avatar
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