Linked Questions

4 votes
1 answer

Should questions asking for alternatives to products be on-topic?

As long as the question is not asking for a product recommendation that is. I forgot my toothpaste and it is impossible to buy in this situation, are there any substitutes? Is there any way to kill ...
GimmeTehRepz's user avatar
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Answers which contain standard solutions and hacks

I've read a lot of answers in the last few days that predominantly recommend a non-hack answer to the question, but also save themselves with a paragraph or two containing some kind of hack. Here are ...
Duncan Jones's user avatar
3 votes
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What if a question is unanswerable?

From current answers on What is a lifehack?: A lifehack is a quick solution to a problem. — Bobo I think that the very definition of what a lifehack is, is actually a solution, not a question. — Adi ...
Unihedron's user avatar
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Taking Action on Tag Synonyms

As you can see from this meta post I've already tried to take action on helping the site to get better tags. Now that we are in public beta, I believe that we need to actually take these actions now. ...
michaelpri's user avatar
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3 answers

Could we/should we change our site to "Everyday Living"?

Given the (quite understandable) confusion over this site's scope, as well as due to convincing arguments by Gilles, and Jason's and Wipqozn's concerns with regard to low-quality answers by definition,...
Shokhet's user avatar
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Is the lack of a narrow scope problematic for this site?

There are a couple of existing Meta questions on scope, and lots of ideas about what should or should not be in scope. But as a group we seem to be far from defining scope limits. Is the over ...
James Jenkins's user avatar
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How is an answer determined to be on-topic?

Look to this question, How can I not burn my hands in hot water when doing dishes?, for reference. I am having a problem with my question. If you go to the question, you can see that there are quite ...
James Lynch's user avatar

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